A Turnover Receivership may be obtained ex parte.

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that obtaining a turnover receivership ex parte does not violate due process. The defendant has already had its day in court. The judgment debtor is considered to be on notice that the creditor will make all lawful attempts to collect. The article provides authorities and arguments for creditor’s counsel.

Updated 2020

Mike Bernstein

Mike Bernstein is the most experienced Turnover Receiver in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, serving the courts in Dallas, Tarrant and nearby counties since 1994. By approximately 1996, serving as turnover receiver had become 100% of Mike's practice. Mike writes and lectures regularly on Turnover law and the Turnover Receivership. Mike serves statewide.


Receiverships Under Attack!


CPRC Chapter 64 Does Not Apply To Turnover Receiverships